Sunday, July 8, 2007

#23 My favorite discoveries were Flickr for pictures and the RSS feeds. This program has made me realize there is so MUCH information available on the internet and access to that information is vital, when relating to library users today. My life long learning goals are still to continue to learn, but to understand my limitations and to ask those with more expertise for assistance. Again, I was overwhelmed by the vast amount of information on the web and I know there is much more than what these twenty-three things touched upon. I feel I have an introduction to the topics in the program, but certainly do not feel proficient enough without further study and input from those more experienced. I am certainly in no position to comment on changes to format or concepts. I am just thankful for the opportunity to be exposed to Web 2.0 in a self-paced format. If another discovery program similar to this was offered, I would participate, if my life situation allowed me the time. I would describe my learning experience as an eye opener, informative, and enlightening in reguards to some of today's web technology.

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